Sunday, October 9, 2011

Dill Grew Up

I was so worried that I would run out of dill and Dill would be starving. I knew butterflies in this genus eat plants of the family Apiaceae, but I wasn't sure if Dill would accept if I suddenly switched its diet. It turned out that it seemed to like parsley even more, and got fatter each day. I was so happy!

I think only I would enjoy watching Dill eating everyday for +10 minutes. But it's so adorable!

Dill Eating

Dill pupated during the weekend. It's time to put it outside so that it can enter a diapause. I taped the pupa on the screen of my window. I hope to watch it emerging in the spring!


  1. 我有看到YOUTUBE上的影片,之前聽那首歌感覺很怪異,但配成背景音樂還真適合它!希望它羽化時能讓我們看到。

  2. How amazing! It was really change to be a pupa.
    You say: it can tolerance the snow season than metamophosis to be a butterfly! it was not be freezed to become a ice par ?
