1. Datura spp. (angel's trumpet; jimson weed)
Major active chemicals: atropine, scopolamine (anticholinergic deliriant)
2. Papaver spp. (poppy)
Major active chemical: morphine (analgesic)
3. Echinopsis peruviana (Peruvian torch cactus)
Major active chemical: mescaline (psychedelic)
4. Nicotiana spp. (tobacco)
Major active chemical: nicotine (stimulant??)
5. Ipomoea tricolor (morning glory)
Major active chemical: ergine (aka LSA, psychedelic)
6. Passiflora spp. (passion flower)
Major active chemicals: chrysin and other flavones (sedative), harman (MAOI)
7. Psychotria viridis
Major active chemical: DMT (psychedelic)
8. Coffea spp. (coffee tree)
Major active chemical: caffeine (stimulant)
9. Scutellaria spp. (skullcap)
Major active chemicals: baicalein and other flavones (sedative)
Delete(咦,其實偷偷復育peyote cactus好像不錯,野生的有絕種危機。)